Tuesday, September 06, 2005

09/06/2005 - Recaps - - -

Host America (CAFE) has started to trade again as of last week. You may have read some commentary in my past postings. Well, all is not well at CAFE. The stock is trading at about $3 down from the mid-teens. I am grateful that I did not buy any hoping for the greater fool theory to work out for me.


Dominos Pizza has trading down since I sold too. I was surprised that the stock dod not move when it had great earnings out last quarter. I did not to wait to find out what the real story was about while holding on to the shares.

I hope all had a great summer. I know I did and I am sorry to see the summer sky change to autumn. I was lucky to get to Pocasset, Cape Cod a few time and do some fishing. My total catch YTD is three Blues and one Striper. I hope to get out a couple more times while the fish are starting their migration to North Carolina.

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