Monday, March 07, 2005

03/07/2005 - The Rector of Justin

I try to read other books than those about finance. I am just finishing up The Rector of Justin, a great book by Louis Auchincloss. Mr. Auchincloss is a self acclaimed "hack" as a lawyer but a fabulous writer. The Rector of Justin is about an all boys prep school, thirty miles west of Boston. I think the book is loosely based on the Groton School in Groton Mass and the Rev. Peabody. The book takes place in the 1940s. Great book. One quote from the book that I thought was funny was:

"Yes, greatness of the private school, Brian, is not that it produces geniuses - they grow anyway, and can't be made - but that it can sometimes turn a third-rate student into a second-rate one."

I find it funny because I went to an all boys private school (that competed with Groton in athletics) and I find the quote to be pretty much true. Ha hah hah!

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